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The Composite of Post-Event Well-being

What If You Could Predict Community Resilience?

The Composite of Post-Event Well-Being (COPEWELL) is an evidence-based model and collection of tools that fosters a community-wide understanding of the complex nature of community resilience as it pertains to disasters. It uses data-driven tools to assess community functioning and predict resilience, and provides resources that communities can utilize to address identified gaps to improve community functioning before, during, and after disasters.

COPEWELL Framework
A whole-of-community framework that helps communities understand resilience and the factors that influence it
Computational Model & Data
A county-level model of community functioning and resilience, which uses publicly-available data
Self-assessment Tools
A set of tools (“COPEWELL Rubrics”) that communities can use to assess their own functioning and resilience
Resources for Change
A set of curated intervention strategies tied to the framework to help communities strengthen their functioning and resilience